Dom Witten
Poet, Educator, Friend
Dom Witten is a Black poet raised on the end of a one-way street in Detroit, MI. She received her MFA from the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) with special attention to process-based learning. Dom’s poems are obsessed with establishing a future with more joy, sass, naps and emotional accuracy.
She is the winner of the 2022 Amon Liner Poetry Award and 2022 Academy of American Poets Prize at UNCG. Dom’s poems are published or forthcoming in hex literary, Radar Poetry, Black Minds Magazine, Greensboro Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Lindenwood Review, Verse Daily and others.
Dom is a co-founder and program director of the Poetics Lab which facilitates inclusive spaces for communities to engage with identity through poetry and performance of the self. tPL was founded in 2021, but Dom has been facilitating poetry workshops and community readings since 2017.
While teaching two sections of English 101 at UNCG, her students learned the importance of defining their individual writing processes. Students wrote three essays: The (Un)Told History of My Language, Rhetoric and Why it Matters and Conversation Piece. Some of Dom's favorite authors to teach include James Baldwin, Nikki Giovanni, Aimee Nezukutatil and Chen Chen.
Photographer: Haley IG